Growing up, the arrival of September was synonymous with one thing: school… and the fresh promise of horrific humiliation that haunts us all the way to the grave. Sorry to project, but adolescence is hell.
You know what’s not hell, though? The therapeutic release of kink and roleplay. Fantasies unfulfilled, unrequited love, age-inappropriate crushes—we can turn pain and taboo into consensual pleasure to our heart’s delight. And the shorter the skirts, the better. See you in detention, Little Miss Thing. Meet the Class of 2023: They make learning fun!

Photo by Provocateur Images
Lady Pim (student) & Andrea Werhun (teacher): High school trauma is a gold mine of ideas for your next BDSM session! Lady Pim says, “Teacher/student role-play is so rich because there is so much to draw from. We’ve all had experiences with embarrassment, failure and consequences in a school setting that lends itself to creative power-dynamic play.”
Lady Pim—Twitter: @TheLadyPim1; LadyPim.com. Andrea Werhun—Twitter: @WeenerWoman