Ever been with your girlfriend and thought, I wish she didn’t talk, didn’t smile, didn’t blink, didn’t move without assistance and didn’t ever go to the bathroom? Then you need a sex doll because no woman is going to put up with your insane bullshit. Luckily for you, the luxury doll moll is now available for hire in a Barcelona “brothel” (but it’s really just an apartment).
You no doubt read about the RealDoll in our July ’17 feature “The Future of Sex.” These creations, crafted by California entrepreneur and artist Matt McMullen, are so real, our legal department saw their photos and asked us for model releases and IDs. Some patrons say they even feel the dolls fucking them back with the weight of their tanned, silicone skin. But they come at a hefty price: minimum $5,500 a pop. Not every man can afford to throw down that kind of money on a fuck doll. Well, now they don’t have to.