For the multitudes of us who are perpetually horny and kink-curious, taking that first big step is often the hardest. So it’s deeply appreciated when experienced sexperts lend a helping hand with priceless (and face-saving) advice.
Of course, no one is more courteous and conscientious than our lovely Canadian friends—who, it turns out, really know their way around an orgy room. Mistress Alleria Mystic of Ontario is an openly polyamorous pro findomme and content creator, but today she’ll be your tour guide to success. Want to ace your first visit to a sex club? Here are six tips for a guaranteed good time.

1. House rules: “Most clubs have a set of rules you can find on their website. Read them, and familiarize yourself with what’s expected of you, as not all clubs have the same rules. It is very important to know what goes and what doesn’t. It is also a good idea to discuss any boundaries with your partner beforehand to ensure the best experience for both of you.”