Remember Pennywise from Stephen King’s It? Pure nightmare fuel, right? Clowns can be downright terrifying to some, but for others those chills are more akin to arousal than any sort of fear response. Yes, clown kink is very real, and we have the testimonials to prove it.
In a recent column for Cosmo, writer and former SFX artist Delilah Gray recounts the greatest sex of her life, in which her and her boyfriend dressed up as psycho clowns to get discount Chipotle and wound up having wild, sweaty, messy circus sex later that night. Now that’s how you do date night.
But us Hustlers are no strangers to the fantabulous world of clown kink. Truth be told, we adore models who specialize in the sexy subversion of circus archetypes. One such kinkster is fetishist and queer performer Miss Quin (pictured), who walks us through the basics of her biggest turn-on: