You know what would really help break up that quarantine boredom? A set of sexy-ass collectible trading cards to pore over. And what if, in purchasing said cards, you would be helping to support the LGBTQI and sex worker communities? Why, that would make you a goddamn hero.
This pandemic has been a rough ride for everyone, but sex workers, already marginalized and vulnerable, are in a particularly precarious situation: In-person work is heavily restricted, while law enforcement remains categorically unsympathetic to their fight for survival.
The S3x Worker Superhero Cards are the brainchild of Paul Aihoshi and Erin Pim, aka Lady Pim, a Toronto-based domme and all-around swell person (check out our interview with her on HUSTLERMagazine.com). Last September she launched a GoFundMe page to cover printing costs and met that goal before the end of the month.