Please, leave the public porn to professionals.
Uncowed by their first arrest, South Carolina residents Eric and Lori Harmon were arrested and charged again last January for filming sex acts in public, this time on the Myrtle Beach SkyWheel. Investigators are also looking at reported incidents at a Food Lion parking lot, a community pool and acts of public urination in a park and at a baseball field. Is nothing sacred?!
They were both released on bail at $2,500 a piece and face a total of 11 counts of indecent exposure. The question is, how could this have been avoided? Truth be told, there is no “right” way to film adult content in public spaces—it’s illegal, end of discussion. But should you decide to go this route, there are ways of mitigating risk while respecting the privacy and freedom of others who may not be keen on seeing you bump uglies behind the local Target.