Portland has not had much to smile about recently. Between peaceful protests met with police brutality and piece-of-shit Proud Boys shooting passers-by with paintball guns, it’s safe to say Oregonians could use a bit of a diversion right about now.
Thank God for Penis Girl. The eponymous graffiti tag popped up in the city roughly around the time the pandemic took hold, and citizens have delighted in seeing where the next one will appear—a bus stop bench? A bridge? Scrawled across the side of a burning cop car?
Suzette Smith, a writer for Willamette Week, managed to connect with the mysterious artist, who took the time to answer the burning questions on everyone’s minds: No, they are not trans, but definitely identify as nonbinary; no, they are not part of a collective; and no, this is not some sort of Banksy-esque political stunt, and if you say it is, they will stop.