There have been a lot of jokes recently about people moving to Canada, but if this sexy new law passes, Sweden will be the new home of the great American diaspora. In the northern town of Overtornea, a local councilman has suggested a paid one-hour break per week to allow workers to go home and have sex with their partners…or even themselves. According to councilman Per-Erik Muskos, “Sex is a great form of exercise and has documented positive effects on well-being.”
Sweden already has many perks for its citizens, including a daily teatime and a mandated minimum of 25 vacation days per year. And now, if Muskos has his way, the 550 employees of his municipality will get paid for nooners. No longer will they have to lie about why they came back to work with bed head. Couples could enjoy a good romp while the kiddies were still at school. The theory is that reduced stress increases productivity. How progressive! Of course, some might complain that an hour is too little time for lovemaking, while others might not know what to do with their remaining 55 minutes.