Chocolates? Candy? Jewelry? How about murder? Read our list of the worst Valentine’s Days. Ever. And be grateful for that shitty Whitman’s Sampler from CVS.
• Juan Manuel Navarro and Ignacia Manriquez had three children together when Juan suddenly ended the relationship in 1993. Then Juan decided he wanted her back. Ignacia wasn’t into it. So on Valentine’s Day, he began following her everywhere, including to the medical center where she was taking the couple’s sick four year- old son. When yelling at her in the parking lot failed to win her over, he shot her executioner-style, only more savagely: once point-blank in the head, once in the stomach as she fell, then in the head again as she lay on the ground—all in full view of his son, who later told police, “Ketchup is everywhere.”