Like it or lump it, language is always evolving—how else would a term like Scooby Snack have found its way into the venerated Oxford English Dictionary? There’s no doubt 2020 had a huge impact on how we articulate life in extraordinary times; case in point, pretty pistachio is now a euphemism for clit.
Australia’s own Body + Soul (BodyandSoul.com.au) recently brought us their expanded sex vocabulary for 2020, and we found the entries sorely lacking in a year when glory holes entered the public health lexicon. To be fair, doppelbanger is a great way to describe hooking up with someone who bears a striking resemblance to a celebrity, while postboned aptly conveys tardiness as a result of sex. But you can keep playing the flute (sorry, not new) and toygasm (self-explanatory).
Never to be outdone, we present HUSTLER’s own Sex Lexicon for 2020: The Pandemic Edition. Because words matter.