Did you hear the one about the sexy Tennessee cop who got fired for banging six of her fellow officers? Somewhere in L.A., a production company is scrambling to put together the porno based on this very sexy scandal.
A recap for the benefit of those who missed this corker of a story: Last January six members of the La Vergne Police Department were suspended or fired, including one Maegan Hall—a stone-cold hottie who had “several intimate relations with her colleagues,” often while on duty, according to Narcity. A human resources report details the sordid goings-on, which included texting nudes, threesomes and even a topless hot tub party. It also bears mentioning that she’s married and that her husband, while more or less in the know, was not entirely thrilled with the situation.
Did she deserve to be fired? If her actions interfered with her duties, then perhaps. But does she deserve to be maligned for her swinging ways? Let’s just say that HUSTLER’s editorial board is unanimous on this one: Good for her!