Every girl you have ever fucked has memorized that iconic scene in the 1990 box office smash hit Pretty Woman. In case you have been living under a rock, we’ll refresh your memory: Julia Roberts plays a gorgeous, sassy prostitute who nabs the affection of billionaire Richard Gere. With his credit card in hand, Roberts walks her endless Bambi legs into a fancy Beverly Hills store. The shopgirls take one look at the wild hooker and cast her away like trash. After transforming herself into Wall Street arm candy, Roberts stops by that same shop, juggling umpteen purchases. “You work on commission, right?” she asks. “Big mistake. Big. Huge.” It’s the ultimate take-back moment everyone can relate to, and the public fell in love with Julia Roberts. Well, that love affair is still going strong. In fact, People magazine recently awarded the 49-year-old redhead 2017’s World’s Most Beautiful Woman for the fifth time. Roberts looks amazing. No shit. In fact, we would be thrilled to feature her in our pages. But with approximately 125.9 million adult women in America, is there really a need to be recycling a winner five times? Walk down the streets of Los Angeles and you are skull-fucked by an onslaught of impossibly gorgeous babes. That gossip rag People is biased as hell. Time to pass on the crown. At HUSTLER, we think beauty contests are a big mistake anyway, which is why you’ll never see us anointing the World’s Most Beautiful Snatch. All pussies are perfect.