Disney will literally sue anyone over copyright and trademark infringement. Hell, they even filed a complaint in California federal court against some dude in Michigan for selling “unlicensed and counterfeit edible cake frosting sheets and related items, which incorporate unauthorized likenesses of animated or live-action characters or other logos.” (Sorry, kid, no Captain America birthday for you.) But for the record, Disney will back down and roll over for porn stars.
When Disney’s 2016 animated hit Moana was released in Italy, the company retitled the film Oceania. Moana is synonymous in Italy with one of its best-known, best-loved porn stars, Moana Pozzi. Like the titular Polynesian Princess in Disney’s saccharine kiddy film, Moana Pozzi had beautiful, naturally wavy hair, a ripping body, and sought love and adventure. Disney did not appreciate these similarities. Shortly after Italian exhibitors met to discuss marketing the film, Disney issued its first Italian promotional poster, with Oceania as its title. Will the estate of Moana Pozzi sue Disney for copyright infringement? That’d be as sweet as the frosting on a five-year-old’s Mickey Mouse cake.