You know what they say: Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And in pursuit of the almighty orgasm, you better believe that ingenuity has a way of flourishing in the face of obstacles. Obviously great sex is great because everyone is enjoying it, so when confronted by significant differences in height, it behooves us as sexual citizens to explore new configurations for mutual pleasure. Let’s start with the ladies. If your man towers over you, and his penis approximates the size of your arm (give or take), then maybe you belong on top and in charge. This works with him lying on his back, sitting in a chair…maybe even in the car if you’re avoiding a roommate. Not only does this allow you to control depth, but you’re also free to work those erogenous zones to your liking.
Another great one is surface-top fucking. The edge of a table, a washer/dryer, the hood of your car. Anything close to the height of his pelvis will do. (Just be safe: Is the surface hot? Cold?) Here’s where yoga comes into play, because you’ll want to pull back your legs, breathe and lovingly coach your man to climax.