Is there anything technology can’t do? A new phone app is making threeways something that could actually happen—routinely! 3nder (pronounced thrinder), created by London-based Dimo Trifonov, allows users to search for partners down for a ménage à trois. All you need is a Facebook profile, and you’re good to go. Like the Tinder app, 3nder lets people interact only if they express interest in one another. It’s free. Think of the possibilities! What could go wrong? Oh, yeah, Trifonov already thought of that. That’s why he’s built in features allowing users to hide their profiles and lock the app with a passcode. (Of course, those features will cost you.) Up and running for about a year, 3nder has been responsible for the exchange of 1.2 million messages a month. Actual hooking up? Who knows? Who cares? Not the anonymous investors who recently funded the app with $500,000 in venture capital. One thing the app won’t do: figure out who gets to be Lucky Pierre.