Fanfiction is a very broad term that encompasses all kinds of fantasy scenarios between characters, be they real or imagined. There’s gay Teen Wolf fanfic, Marvel Universe fanfic and reams of erotic scenarios based on the wizarding world of Harry Potter and friends. But there’s a dark side to every dream, and so we must contend with the existence of a banal and thoroughly unpalatable reality: Presidential fanfiction. Shudder.
As explained by Wired, if you can dream it, it exists. If you dare, plug “Trump,” “Pence” and “fanfiction” into your search bar and grab the Dramamine, because this shit is guaranteed to make you vomit. Scenarios are…diverse in nature. In one tale Mike Pence gets pregnant with Trump’s baby, while other stories explore the erotic possibilities of a world where Trump and Shrek are lovers.