Perhaps as a sort of olive branch for her lackluster filmography (have you seen Valerian? Blech!), model-slash-actor (Zoolander reference!) Cara Delevingne is dedicating herself to science—not her body so much as the full-body sensation of sexual release.
And yes, they got it on film (you dirty dogs). Delevingne was featured in the six-part BBC documentary series Planet Sex, and it’s maybe her best work yet? In the episode, she visits a German hospital, where she gives doctors a blood sample before auto-stimulating herself to climax. Because SCIENCE.
“I think female sexual desire has definitely been repressed,” said the star of such dreck as the 2016 Suicide Squad. “I know from my own love life just how sexual women can be, so you’d think, in the 21st century, men and women should be having equally satisfying sex lives, right?”