Remember the glory days of movie sex scenes in the ’80s and ’90s? An Officer and a Gentleman, Color of Night, Sliver—not only was there lots of sex, but holy moly, do we ever feel for you if you accidentally watched the latter with your parents (damn you, Joe Eszterhas!).
Times change, and there is definitely a whole lot less sex happening on the big screen these days. But that doesn’t mean today’s stars aren’t getting it on when and where the script calls for it. The question is, in our post-sexual-free-for-all era, who wears the crown? Who is the King of Boning Down?
Entertainment writer Carrie Wittmer, in an exhaustively detailed piece for The Ringer, spent four months poring over 128 different sex scenes to compile a list of the busiest to least busy actors under the sheets, in front of the camera.