Sometimes it’s not such a bad idea to bury your head in the sand. We mean it in the most literal sense possible, of course, lest you want to find yourself being escorted off of Haulover Beach in Florida for not observing proper boner etiquette.
Considered one of the most popular nudist destinations in all of the U.S., visitors are subject to a strict code of conduct that covers, shall we say, outward expressions of arousal. Should you find yourself sporting inconvenient wood, resist the urge to strut like a peacock. The Haulover Beach website offers a few solutions for avoiding embarrassment, such as “turning over on one’s stomach” and burying it in the sand, concealing it under a towel or stealing away for a bracing dip in the ocean.
But if that all feels a tad pedestrian for your magnificent stiffy, then consider the following ways to camouflage a hard-on with class and just a touch of whimsy.