Ladies, gentlemen and nonbinary folk, can I please have your attention. I’ve just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you to stop what you’re doing and listen: Rocco Siffredi wants you to know that the upcoming biopic series about his life is not entirely accurate.
Granted, is it really possible to fully capture the wild and often weird legacy of gonzo porn’s de facto godfather? Supersex, premiering on Netflix in 2023, was created and written by Italian screenwriter Francesca Manieri (We Are Who We Are, L’immensità). In an interview, Siffredi told Italy’s FQ Magazine that even though “this beautiful story is inspired by my life…it is not my life.”
Creative license notwithstanding, we’re curious to see how she portrays porn’s weirdest dirty-talker (seriously, the shit that comes out of that guy’s mouth is baffling). And if it’s a hit, then who knows what performer will be next in line? Reed Hastings—we know you’re reading this—here is our shortlist for your consideration.