Let’s get down to brass tacks: What can doggy-style fucking do for my golf swing? Apparently different physical positions yield different physical benefits. Hats off then to WomanandHome.com, who give us a road map of sorts to using sex positions based on their individual therapeutic properties. Three categories merit special attention.
Best positions for toning up: The aforementioned doggy position is great for the “receiver.” Instead of resting on your elbows or shoulders, plant your palms and hold yourself in a pushup position. Excellent for your core. A slightly more advanced move is standing sex—great for her; great for him; great for them. You’re either suspending someone full weight using your core, back, shoulder and leg muscles, or you’re suspending your full weight with your arms while thrusting your pelvis and working those all-important back muscles. For a less intense core workout, try one person lying on a yoga ball while the other stands and penetrates from behind. Close the windows and jack up your thermostat for the hot yoga experience.