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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Who’s the Traitor?

Thanks to the patriotic courage of Edward Snowden and the once-secret documents he leaked to the media, we now know in frightening detail the danger posed to our freedom by the new information-age technology combined with the hysteria of the post-9/11 surveillance state. If I communicate the rough draft of these thoughts that I am...

The Colossal Suckout

Here’s how it works: In America the so-called free market is a joke. What you have is a bunch of big-money types making out like bandits, hustling the government to cover their bad bets while the suckers they swindle with impunity are forced to go broke. Call it Crony Capitalism or State Socialism. The labels...

Data Rape

Give me bargain or give me liberty. Do Americans love shopping more than they value their individual freedom, or is buying stuff the only freedom we cherish? Think about it. Why in the past decade have we squandered our legacy of privacy, the Constitutionally protected right to personal space, to be left alone with our...