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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Flash of Patriotism On Capitol Hill

Sometimes Republicans get it right, usually after first being terribly wrong. But when sanity does prevail, we should be thankful all the same. That’s why Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican and former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is that rare right-winger I want to commend. True, he screwed up a decade ago in...

Big Brother’s in Your Pocket

Your smartphone is your enemy. Yes, that cute little sidekick you carry around is a vicious snitch that does more than monitor your every movement and purchase. The handy device continuously reports back to a vast government-controlled computer network that can swoop down to punish you for any behavior disapproved of by omnipresent Big Brother....

Just Blow the Right Whistle

Americans love to be lied to; otherwise Edward Snowden would be a wildly popular national hero. Same for Bradley Manning, Glenn Greenwald, Julian Assange and others who risk their freedom to inform us about the myriad ways we are continually deceived by our government. These whistleblowers are performing a public service. They’re democracy’s lifeblood, nourishing...