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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Live at 5: Donald’s Craziest Tantrum!

It’s easy enough to get angry with Donald Trump. He has scapegoated hardworking immigrants for the inequities of American capitalism—inequities that have left billionaires like him in control of most of the country’s wealth and its political power. But some of that anger should clearly be directed toward the mass media, which has turned this...

Vicious Guard Dog?

Trying to take a bite out of Apple Inc., the FBI descended into a hell of its own when Director James B. Comey demanded that the tech giant create special software that bypasses an iPhone’s passcode, violating the privacy protections it guarantees to all of its customers. “The path to hell starts at the backdoor,”...

War On Whistleblowers

If President Barack Obama wants to keep one of his foremost 2008 campaign promises, he should issue a blanket pardon for all of those brave people faced with imprisonment for attempting to expose the U.S. government’s crimes during the so-called War on Terror. After all, many of us voted for him because the onetime Constitutional...